What do I do?
The Parliamentary Workplace Support Service (PWSS) can support you if a complaint is made against you. We will handle your information confidentially and will treat you fairly.
Having a complaint made against you can be stressful and cause you significant concern and anxiety. You may be concerned about your reputation, your job and being properly informed of your rights and responsibilities going forward.
If a complaint is made against you, this does not automatically mean you have engaged in the behaviour. However, taking part in a complaints process in good faith can make the process easier for everyone and lead to better outcomes.
For more information about the way the PWSS handles complaints, see Making a complaint. Depending on what the complaint is about, the PWSS can help resolve the complaint at the local level.
If someone is accusing you of an incident in the workplace in a public way, this could amount to bullying or harassment. You can contact the PWSS to speak with a case coordinator about the behaviour, how it is affecting you and how to address it. The PWSS can help you manage the impacts of the behaviour in your workplace.
Support available
Support is available to you if someone has made a complaint against you.
You can contact the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service (PWSS) on 1800 PH PWSS (1800 747 977) to speak confidentially with a case coordinator and receive support and advice on your options.
You can bring a support person with you to any meetings with the PWSS, including mediation sessions or a workplace review. This could be a friend, family member, partner, an advocate or counsellor, or a union representative or legal professional.